Monday, October 1, 2007


Boy we had a busy weekend. The compost party was a massive success -- all the compost got spread on the beds, thanks to our good friends! Also, the weather cooperated, and we only had a couple minutes of light sprinkling toward the end of the work time. Before and after those few hours it's been raining pretty constantly, so that was a blessing. And now it doesn't even look like there was ever any compost there at all! The garden sure looks lovely, though. Really, really big thanks to those of you who helped out! We couldn't have done it without you.

Someone asked if our neighbors minded our big pile of composted manure. Nobody mentioned it, but when we called to ask for the loan of wheelbarrows and shovels for the event, our neighbors were more than happy to lend...:)

Today Michael and I are going to be interviewed for a local Catholic radio show called, "Conversations with Fr. Bob." We're talking about NFP. Should be interesting, and I'll let you know when it's airing and where you might be able to hear it. I don't know if out-of-towners will be able to hear it online, but I'll find out.

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