Saturday, September 29, 2007

Great News!

Thank you to all who have been praying for Hannah's allergy situation! Hannah went to the allergist yesterday to do test for tree nuts, and she didn't react to any of them! She still has to avoid eggs and peanuts, since she's still definitely reacting to those. They didn't bother to test those this time, since the blood test numbers were high enough to see that she hasn't outgrown them.

For the uninitiated, here's what it looks like to have had a whole bunch of skin tests:

Hannah was very brave and didn't cry at all. Nor did she scratch at her arms while we waited the 15 minutes to see if she reacted. Now we get to try out one nut at a time at home just to be on the safe side and make sure she doesn't react.
And here's what it looks like to be a girl who has had a bunch of skin tests and finds out that she can try nuts:

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