Naomi doesn't appear in the pictures because I was holding her the whole time because 1.) she was in her pjs and didn't have shoes on and 2.) although she loves trucks, she doesn't quite trust them, and figures that I will run faster than she would if a rogue truck comes after her one day. And although I don't have what are generally considered long legs, they're much longer than hers, so she's probably right about that. So, since I was taking the pictures and she was in my arms, there aren't pictures of's remarkably difficult to get a good shot of a subject who is 6 inches from the camera.
Hannah, on the other hand, though still in her pjs, located her boots and was able to enjoy the action from the ground. Which is good, since I can't carry her any more, especially while carrying Naomi and trying to take pictures.
The driver pulled up onto the sidewalk right by our gate...
and began to lift the bed of the truck...
to dump a whole bunch of steaming compost -- well, part compost and part composted dairy manure -- Cedar Grove's "Booster Blend"...
onto our sidewalk and street in front of our house.
Check out the steam!
Compost Party 2007, here we come!
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