Thursday, October 11, 2007

A litany of the saints for kids, by kids

Yesterday the girls were a bit restless in the car. So they came up with this game:

Hannah: Who loves Mama?
Naomi: ME!
H: Who loves Dada?
N: ME!

They moved rapidly through the family members and Hannah started in on the saints:

H: Who loves St. Joseph?
N: ME!
H: Who loves St. Maria Goretti?
N: ME!

After a few minutes more of naming saints:

H: Mom, what are some more saints?
Monica: St. John?
H: I've already done St. John.
Monica: St. Rose?
H: Oh, yes! Who loves St. Rose?
N: ME!

This went on for quite some time. Of course, Naomi will answer ME! to almost any "Who?" question out there ("Who can leap tall buildings in a single bound?" "ME!" "Who's making dinner tonight?" "ME!"), but I don't think the saints mind.

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