Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's not 97 degrees

which is what it is in Baltimore, apparently. We're going to the east coast for a couple of weeks soon, so when my sister (in Baltimore) mentioned this, and told me I might need to pack accordingly, my carefully laid packing plans began to be reshuffled. It's definitely fall here, although today was 63 degrees or so as the high.

But warm jammies are a must!

We've been taking advantage of the lack of rain to get out and walk and do yard work and play. When we go on walks, Naomi provides the music. Or zeezick, as she calls it. When she says it, it sounds almost like she's saying "seasick." Selections vary from The Star-Spangled Banner to Amazing Grace to Bingo. It's an interesting mix.

Hannah sporting her "Uncle Rob" hat...made by Uncle Rob! She tells this to everyone who compliments her on her hat.

Walking on "the grass."

I usually let the girls out of the stroller to walk the last little bit home, and Naomi has begun to anticipate "the grass." As soon as she sees it, she begins her chant of "the grass." She and Hannah get out and run along...or walk along...or stop and look at flowers and buses and the sippy cup that someone left behind. Everything is interesting.

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