Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This and that

At karate today:

Sensei:  We’ll be practicing a round kick, which is the one the white belts have just started to learn.
Simeon:  (raises hand and waits to be called on)  We’re not white belts. 

Right, because they have a black stripe now.  Little stinker.


Felix is signing a bit more now.  Well, he’s actually signing “more” now.  And he also does Simeon’s name sign – very cute, and hugely appreciated by Sim, of course. 


Felix also learned to sit himself back up from his stomach.  And he’s practicing pulling himself up on things.  Unfortunately, he’s not so great with getting back down after pulling himself up.  More practice needed. 


For her birthday, Naomi got a book of different embroidery designs.  Excitement is running high about them.  Naomi’s starting some new projects with many different cute designs, and Sim is learning how to embroider – he’s working on a squirrel. 


The girls’ scout troop sells pies to raise funds every year.  The order forms were distributed yesterday.  Hannah pulled out her file from last year’s sale to go over the people we should contact again to sell pies.  She LOVES selling pies.  We’ve already gotten two (new) customers this year. 

Part of the love for Hannah is that last year our family got the second-most sales.  She’s pretty sure she can get to first this year.  (Did I mention that Hannah is competitive?)

Good thing the pies are delicious.


Tess discovered the joy that is eating shredded coconut.  I, personally, don’t prefer it, but Tess loves it and had it for snacks twice already today.  And it’s unsweetened.  Go figure. 

1 comment:

Mark said...

What?? No pictures??!!