Thursday, May 15, 2014



The weather here has been gorgeous this week!  Not just pretty.  And I always think my kids out enjoying the weather (and the ducks, in these photos) are gorgeous, too.  :)






My fantastic, wonderful, hardworking husband has been putting up fencing in the front yard around the garden so that when the ducks are out full-time they’ll have a safe enclosure. 


He’s very patient.  I’m usually the one who comes up with the projects, and usually they involve work for him…for some reason my 8-months-pregnant body doesn’t seem up to hammering in the stakes and stretching the wire for the fence.  Hmm.

Hannah love, love, loves helping with projects like this, so it makes her very happy.  And Michael likes having her help, too.


He’s even good enough to smile for pictures, making it look like there’s nothing he’d rather be doing now than putting up duck fencing.  



Peaceable Kingdom we are not.  If you look closely, you can see that the only reason the lion will lie down with the lamb in our house is that the lamb has an automatic handgun and orders the lion to do so.



I bought a little pen for the ducks to go outside during the day until they’re big enough to be out full time.  However, they’re still small enough that one of them managed to get caught between the wires – luckily I discovered the problem quickly.  So we get to set up the pen and then put wood all around it so that the ducks don’t get themselves stuck in the wires.  It’s not really what one might call a beautiful addition to our yard, and it’s made it much more tricky to move the pen around so as not to have them on one spot day after day.  I keep reminding myself that it’s a temporary measure.

More {pretty, happy, funny, real} can be found over at Like Mother, Like Daughter.

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