Naomi received her First Communion last Sunday, and it was wonderful!
The dress and veil were made by Grandma Ellie, and came out beautifully. We’d suggested long sleeves because Pacific Northwest + early May = cool and damp. Of course, on Thursday before the big day it was 87 degrees here, and I began to feel qualms about long sleeves. However, by the time Sunday rolled around, it was again mid-50s and rainy, so we were more than happy to have the sleeves. One really doesn’t want to put a cardigan over a beautiful First Communion dress!
The day before, each First Communicant had made (with the help of parents) a pew banner. Naomi’s features a fish for Christ, St. Rose of Lima (her patron), St. Maximillian Kolbe, and her guardian angel.
Naomi was very joyful throughout the Mass. It was really wonderful to see her.
Her godfamily was able to join us for the Mass and for lunch and cake afterwards. Their youngest is sleeping off the effects of Mass in this picture. :)
Nothing like Greek food for lunch to make people happy! When we go to this restaurant, Naomi likes to get just pita and hummus and eat that for her meal.
{funny (sortof) and real}
The last picture taken by our camera before it refused absolutely to take any more pictures. At all. Whatsoever. This is, of course, before I got any pictures of Naomi with her godparents or any of the other family members who were present… Michael ended up taking those with his phone. The blurry basket with ferns in the back is the flower arrangement that Naomi had made (with some help from me) the day before. Each First Communicant made one to help decorate the sanctuary.
We did get a good picture with Michael’s phone. The flowers – with the exception of the red rhododendrons – were from our yard.
Photos were taken beforehand of us as a family, Naomi on her own, Naomi with Gran and Grandpa Joe (who were in town for TWO First Communions, since the in-town girl cousin also received hers that day), and Naomi and her cousin. So hopefully those came out, because we didn’t get any of those on either our camera or Michael’s phone!
Congratulations, Naomi, on your blessed and momentous day! You look just like your momma. :) I miss you all. Check in sometime. Luke and Kim
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