Friday, April 11, 2014

7 Quick Takes: pregnancy workouts, parties, books

Joining Jen again this week.

1.  New pregnancy workout DVD!  I got the suggestion from Grace, and it’s a good one.  Now that I’ve done it a few times I’m not quite so sore the next day.  Don’t be fooled by the fact that it has “barre” in the title – no barre is required.   I’m going to have to check out some of Suzanne Bowen’s non-pregnancy workouts when the day comes, because I really like the pregnancy ones I’ve tried. 

2.  Tess loves to join me for my workouts.  This is one of the cutest things ever, although it can be a bit dangerous, because she seems to like to stand RIGHT next to me when I’m trying to do arm exercises with weights.  I’m paranoid that I’m going to hit her in the head with a weight – she’s just the right height for it.  Another trick she likes to employ – if she’s not trying to do the actual exercises with me, which is too cute for words – is running around me in tight circles.  Dangerous again because she usually chooses the times when I’m doing side steps or alternating reverse lunges…but it makes the workout more challenging, for sure. 
And she’s usually dressed for success on these occasions:
3.  We had Naomi’s delayed birthday party last weekend.  8 little girls watching Robin Hood.  Michael took Tess and Sim to the zoo, since Tess is petrified of Robin Hood and Sim isn’t a girl.

I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as last year, because kids-watching-a-movie pictures turn out to be…remarkably similar to each other.  However, a good time was had by all – screaming laughter reverberated through the house at all the funny scenes.  Really screaming.  I hope the neighbors didn’t think I was torturing people over here, because I’m sure it could easily have been misinterpreted. 

After Michael left, I discovered that either:  a.  I’d already used the cool swirly candles I thought I had, or b. someone else had already used those candles.  In any case, I didn’t have 8 similar candles!  Ack!  And I couldn’t run to the store because Michael was at the zoo.  So Naomi got a math cake:  6+2=8.  She didn’t mind. 

The cake itself is Strawberry Country Cake, special request of Naomi.  Party favors were nail polish, and seemed to be quite popular. 

4.  I wanted to join in on What We’re Reading Wednesday, but the days get away from me, so I’ll just give a quick couple of the ones I’m reading at the moment. 

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I’m reading The Spear, by Louis de Wohl.  He wrote a bunch of historical fiction-type hagiographies, and I’ve read several.  Once I started this one, I realized I must have read it in the past, because I recognized a lot of it.  I’m really enjoying it, and it’s a great read for right before Holy Week, since it deals a lot with characters connected to the events of Holy Week.  Interesting and thought-provoking.

I’m also reading Theology and Sanity, by Frank Sheed.  He delves into the mysteries of God in here – the things that seem to us as paradoxes, but which are true about God nonetheless, and he encourages readers to put a lot of thought into these mysteries because even though we can’t fully understand them, we’ll learn more about God from the application of our brains to these truths.  Lots of fruit for contemplation.

5.  I scheduled our family to go on the camping trip (we’ll be staying in a cabin; third trimester me does not do tents) with Hannah and Naomi’s scouting troop one Friday-Sunday in May.  Then, as I perused my calendar for some other reason the other day, I realized that Naomi has a concert on that Saturday.  And this morning I realized that the girls have a piano recital that Sunday afternoon.  I might just benefit from consulting my calendar a bit more.  The camp is only about an hour away, so I think we’ll be fine on Saturday, and we’ll be coming back Sunday anyway, but I think I might not have tried to squeeze quite so much into one weekend if I’d been thinking about it.

6.  Hannah began complaining that my nesting is setting in.  She’s right, it has, but I try to point out that I like a clean house other times, too, and many of the things I’m asking my kids to do are just normal pickup chores.  This doesn’t keep her from muttering “nesting” under her breath when I ask her to put her things away.  Of course, she likes to have all of her things out where she can see them, and this is an ongoing challenge for us, because she also likes to keep far more things than I think necessary.  She is getting better, though.  The days of saving candy wrappers are definitely gone for good. Thank God.

7.  Sim discovered the joy of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe on CD.  Any time during the day that he disappears, he’s most likely in his room, listening to it and doing Legos.  It’s very endearing.

Have a great weekend!

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