Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Naomi, age 5

Today is Naomi’s 5th birthday.  I can’t believe it.  I’ve heard parents talk about how they grow up so fast, etc., etc., but really….REALLY.  Okay.  Enough, you know what I mean.

Naomi was blowing out her candles tonight at the time she was born 5 years ago.  I know, because Hannah asked us to tell them when it was the moment Naomi was born.  And it was while she was blowing out her candles.  Totally cute. 

All day I meant to do a post like this one from last year, but I didn’t get to it.  Birthday present opening commenced on my bed before 8 a.m. (because you can’t be expected to wait until Mama comes DOWNSTAIRS!), and happened throughout the day.  Also birthday crafting, baking, and other important birthday things.  It was a good day.

Naomi generously shared her presents.  Surprisingly generously.  She’s old enough that she’s starting to get things that Hannah actually likes, so Hannah was feeling a bit like she never gets anything, but Naomi shared, and both girls played together and had a great time.  It’s good to be from a sharing family.

Simeon had cake and ice cream together for the first time in his life today.  He was most pleased.  He ate the ice cream with his hands, then requested a napkin. 

Naomi chose teriyaki chicken for dinner.  Michael had made it on Sunday, and that was probably the first time she’d had it.  She loved it and wanted it again…today.  So I made it and we all enjoyed it again. 

She was funny at the beginning of the day, too, because she was going off of the social norm of repeating a good wish back to someone (like when someone wishes you a merry Christmas, you say merry Christmas back), so when Michael and I told her Happy Birthday, she responded, “Happy Naomi’s birthday to you!”  Heehee. 

I hope you all had a happy Naomi’s birthday.


Rachel said...

Adorable! :)

Babz said...

yes, it just doesn't seem like she's FIVE! Five is a real kid.