Friday, March 18, 2011

Don’t tell them, but…

Although I am generally a stickler for getting our things done first thing in the morning, I admit that when all of my kids are playing happily together, I can’t seem to justify breaking them all up and making them do their morning habits.  It’s so sweet to have them all working together, sharing, offering to help, saying, “Please,”  “Thank you,” “Here you go!”  Sibling relationships come before laundry, I guess.  One of the perks of homeschooling is that I can take advantage of moments like this.

And NOW, they’re playing together AND singing together.  The cuteness factor is getting dangerously high here!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Awww that's sweet! Yeah, positive sibling relationships should come before chores and home schooling is a great way to foster said positive relationships (I know that younger bro and I got closer for having been homeschooled a few years together) :-)