Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Before I begin this post, I should probably make a disclaimer:  each of my children has things that he or she doesn’t like and won’t eat.  I have a strict food separatist, as well, so soups and stews and almost anything that is combined has to be meticulously separated in order that each food is in its own spot on the plate.  SO…when I say what I say next, please don’t imagine that my children are model eaters and that I never have trouble with food refusal or picky eating.

Okay, disclaimer over.

My kids all LOVE broccoli.  They love it.  I don’t know exactly how this happened, although they do like to dip it in ketchup, which may explain something.  But they’ll eat it without ketchup, too.  When I make broccoli, I have to make TONS, because they all want seconds, thirds, fourths, until it’s all gone. 

(I suppose this isn’t the only thing that all my kids like that many kids don’t like.  Beets and cauliflower also spring to mind.  And they like beets raw as well as cooked.  And Hannah LOVES brussels sprouts.)

When I have broccoli out to cook, if they see it on the counter, they rejoice:  “BROCCOLI!  Can I have some?  Hey, everybody, Mama’s making BROCCOLI!”

Like I said, I don’t know how this happened.  I don’t particularly like broccoli.  It’s fine, but I’ll usually choose other vegetables first.  Michael likes it best when covered in cheese, which doesn’t happen often here in Dairy Intolerant Land. 

But I’ll take it.  If broccoli is a treat, GREAT!  And if I don’t eat any, there’s more for the kids.