And here’s how it looks:
If you click on the pictures, you can see a larger size.
We’re very happy with it.
Naomi prevailed on Mr. Claude to have his picture taken with her. Simeon joined in. He is also enthusiastic about Mr. Claude, whom he saw smoking today. From then on, he called him “Smokey.” Oh, and he began saying, “I like smoke!” To which Mr. Claude replied, “No you don’t!” Of course, Sim couldn’t let that go – his most mischievous look on his face, he repeated, “I LIKE smoke!” Mr. Claude continued to try to dissuade him from liking smoking.
I’m not too afraid that one exposure, at the age of two, to someone who smokes is going to solidify a habit in my son.
Can you see the smaller tiles? I think they were worth the headaches that poor Mr. Claude suffered over them.
wow! it looks GREAT!
this post was so funny - I would not have thought a post about an after picture of a fireplace could be so funny.
I love it - "Smokey"! Sim is too much. And the picture with Mr. Claude. That's hilarious!
Oh my goodness.
For no apparant reason at all, I'm entirely entertained and you have returned to me my holiday cheer.
Thank you sooo much!
Pleease continue to write!
I haven't had this much fun reading someone else's posts in a LONG time.
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