Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our new range is here!

It arrived yesterday, and mercifully it wasn’t raining when the delivery guys came.  The many stairs up to the house make delivery of very large and heavy items difficult enough without rain adding to the fun. 

Here’s the old range:


Here’s what it looks like without a range:


You can see the sunlight coming in from the window.

Here’s the new range:


Uh…yeah…no sunlight this morning.  BUT there are 6 burners!  And the oven is 36 inches.  Whoohoo! 

I have already tested the oven on pizza, cookies, and biscuits with excellent results.  I can do 2 pizzas at once in there!  The stove works, but we haven’t done a whole lot on it yet.  Michael is looking forward to stir-frying on it. 

Simeon was quite skeptical when the men came and took the old range, but he recovered quickly enough when I told him they would give us a new one.  He was fascinated by the process.  The deliverers were quite amused by our kids, who all watched the whole thing. 

1 comment:

Babz said...

very purty. Is it a duel-fuel? We're starting to buy stainless for our kitchen too. In 20 years, maybe all of our appliances will be stainless...