Well, after my disparaging words yesterday about when the fireplace might get done, I must now report: the tile is up! It will be grouted tomorrow. Michael is my hero, as we all know from previous posts, and he is so again in this case. I’d been planning on calling the fireplace folks this week, but didn’t feel up to it, what with a cold that was taking away my powers of clear thinking (but not my Potty Ninja powers, you’ll be happy to know), so Michael called and the tile guy, Claude (or Mr. Claude, as the kids call him) came today.

This is the “before” look. I don’t love the cinderblock look, but it’s better than the Black Hole of Doom look, so I don’t think I should complain.

I should have taken more “during” pictures, since it’s a remarkable process, but I was also making cookies with the kids, helping with projects, etc., so I wasn’t snapping every step.

Mr. Claude is a melancholic Romanian (complete with accent), a perfectionist, and great entertainment, as far as the kids were concerned. They all really liked him, and Naomi wants to invite him to Christmas at our house. I’m not sure that’s going to happen.
Mr. Claude seemed to like them, too. When I told Naomi and Sim to stop bickering with each other (for the tenth time in about 2 minutes) in the living room and how unpleasant it must be for Mr. Claude to work with them making those nasty noises nearby, he told me, “Oh, I don’t mind. I like it. It’s just too bad I don’t have any of my own.” He must really like kids if he even likes them when they bicker.

This is pre-grout, of course, but I really, really like it! The mantle won’t be in for 3 weeks, but I’m willing to wait. Can you see the small tile accents? They gave Mr. Claude headaches. The tile is also “rustic,” which means that the edges are somewhat roughed up. That gave Mr. Claude headaches, too. “You see, eef zey had straight edges, I could get zee lines straighter!” I don’t think anyone’s going to notice.

“How do you want zees? Like zees? Or like zees?” He asked that a lot today. What does Mr. Claude think? “I sink you should have it like you like it.” Okay.

He was great, though, and did what I asked without complaint, despite a feeling of misuse because of the small accent tiles and the headaches they created.

I am really excited to see what it looks like with the grout. I’ll keep you posted.
Michael’s opinion: “Darn! I missed my chance to have castle turrets on the cinder block.” But I think he really likes the tile anyway.
Hannah’s opinion: “Once we get the house fixed how we like it, it will be a DREAM house!”
Naomi’s opinion: “I wish we would take pictures of the workers who come here so that we can remember them!”
Simeon’s opinion: “Can I use that box cutter when you’re done?” Okay, he didn’t really say that, but I’m sure he thought it!