Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The lesser-known super powers

Movies are made about glamorous super powers – like flying – or interesting super powers – like turn into a sandstorm at will.  They are not made about the super powers that are less glamorous, but (perhaps) more useful super powers, such as Michael claims I have.  He has given me the title Potty Ninja.

Why, you may ask, does my dear husband say that I am the Potty Ninja?  He’s convinced that I have a super power that tells me when my children need to use the potty.  He may have some evidence, too.  The first use of the title was when Hannah was potty training and still had accidents fairly regularly.  Our family was enjoying a quiet evening.  Michael and I were reading, Hannah was playing, and Naomi was asleep, since she was pretty little.  At one point, Hannah walked across the living room. 

“Hannah, go potty.”  I said, still reading.

Hannah went potty (in the toilet, thank God!).  A lot. 

Michael was totally impressed.  “You didn’t even LOOK UP from your reading!  How did you do that?  You’re a Potty Ninja!”

I have not been convinced about my Potty Ninja powers until tonight.  Tonight I decided that maybe Michael’s right and I do have a super power.  I was in the dark room with the kids after bedtime, lying with Sim so he’d go to sleep.  Naomi was fidgeting, which is not unusual for her at bedtime, but this time I just KNEW she need to poop.  (Look, I TOLD you it’s not a glamorous super power, okay?)  As the knowledge came into my mind, I ran over the facts of the case:  she hadn’t gone this evening, etc, etc. 

So I did what any Potty Ninja would do.  I got up, asked Naomi if she needed to poop, and brought her to the potty.  Then I brought a bear and a monkey (stuffed ones) up for Sim.  When I came back down, Naomi had pooped.  She fell asleep minutes after she got back to bed. 

I highly doubt that my super power will ever make the local newspaper, let alone the silver screen.  However, I have to imagine that this particular super power is better suited to my way of life than being able to throw fire from my palms or webswing. 

1 comment:

Babz said...

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Pooper Mom!