Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sim’s newest answer

“Nope.”  He loves to say this.  I suppose it’s better than yelling “NO! NO! NO!”  And it’s unintentionally amusing many times.  For example, a crash is heard.  I go to the scene to find that Sim has dumped something on the floor.  “Are you okay?” 

He looks up from the destruction, completely happy and content and says, “Nope.”

Or, “Sim, would you like some more?”

Sim:  Nope.  More, please.


Me:  Sim, do you want to swing?

Sim:  Nope.  Swing!  Swing!

1 comment:

Babz said...

I read this one to Wyatt and he cracked up, made me read it again, then made me print it.