Monday, February 15, 2010

Family fitness

Did you ever try demonstrating how to do basic exercises to a group of people aged 6, almost 4, and 16 months?  Rolling out the exercise mat was no problem.  From there on, it was challenging. 

First, I should have foreseen that the exercise mat was going to be a highly-coveted item.  It’s the only one, of course.  Everyone wants to be on it at once.  It’s quite difficult to lie down on a mat that is already covered in two girls. 

Next, I should also have foreseen that, once I got down on the floor, jungle-gym-mommy syndrome would strike the 16-month-old.  Definitely difficult to do crunches with a baby boy sliding down your legs onto your belly.  Don’t get me started on push-ups, either.  “Horsey!  Horsey!  Nay!  Nay!”

Stretching wasn’t too bad.  It wasn’t a problem that the baby crawled back and forth under my legs as I was showing how to do a calf stretch.

Kangaroo jumps were fun for everyone, and it was really funny to watch Sim trying to jump.  He’d crouch down, like we were, and then pop up, like we were, and say, “JUMP!”  Of course, his little feet never left the ground.  Heehee. 

It’s not as if our fitness program is a long, drawn-out activity.  Well, it’s not supposed to be.  With the “help” of my children, we managed to make my mental plan of “Do a few exercises with the kids:  10-15 minutes” into a 45-minute episode worthy of a sitcom. 

Tomorrow will probably be easier, as we all know what to expect.  If not, maybe “Do a few exercises with the kids” will be expunged from my mental list for the time being.  At least the “with the kids” part.

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