Friday, February 12, 2010

Naomi discovers the beauty of a big country

The girls don’t believe me when I tell them they’ll always be my babies.  “We’re not babies!”  they say, “Sim is your baby.”  I try in vain to convince them that they will always be my babies, but they won’t have it.

Hannah decided about a year ago that she wants to be a nun.  Naomi has recently decided that she wants to be a nun, too, but in a different convent than Hannah.  I was chatting with them about convent life and mentioned that even when they’re grown-up nuns, they’ll be my babies.  They weren’t moved from their position of not being babies any more.

So I jokingly referenced the book Love You Forever:  “I’ll come visit you in your convents, and I’ll take that big nun on my lap and rock her back and forth, back and forth, and sing, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.””

Naomi looked at me incredulously…or maybe it was dawning horror, hard to say.  Then she saw an out:  “My convent will be very far away,” she said. 

Of course, I relented.  “If I don’t do that, will you live in a nearby convent?”  She graciously replied, “Yes.”

She must have been serious, too, because she told Michael the next day that he didn’t have to worry:  she would grow up and be a nun, but her convent would be close enough that we could see her every day.

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