Monday, May 11, 2009

Sitting up

Recently I realized that Simeon's about the age that sitting up independently happens. Sim hasn't mastered this skill and as I thought about it, I realized that maybe it's because I don't sit him up on a regular basis and let him practice. I mean, he sits on our laps and things and can definitely hold himself up -- he loves the horsie games wherein we bounce him on our knees -- but I hadn't let him practice much sitting up on his own, so I decided to give it a try.

I realized why I didn't get to let him practice. He doesn't want to sit up. Not that he doesn't like the way it feels muscularly. He doesn't think it's worthwhile, because when you're sitting up, you're not moving around, and WHY would you be on the floor if you weren't going to be moving around? Sitting up is far too stationary for Sim at the moment. He needs to be free to discover all the toys, cords, and sisters' beloved belongings that might be on the floor. So every time I sit him up, he immediately lunges to his belly and goes for the next thing he wants.

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