Friday, May 8, 2009

For some quick craft fun

we used this project. If you're like us and have at least one magpie for a child, you will already have all of the equipment for this project. If not, then you may need to get some Altoids. :) Hannah is currently running ours in our bathroom sink. There are big plans for the next bath!

I found the Instructables site via Alice Cantrell's website, which is also a good place to find crafts.

****UPDATE: Of course, it's all very fun, and all, but if the process of crafting is half the fun for your kid (like it is for Hannah), you may find this being said to you:

"That was a fun craft, Mama, but it was really fast. Can we do another craft?"

At which point, you pull out dried beans and glue and set the little crafter free to spend loads of time creating.

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