Saturday, May 16, 2009


Naomi has been having a rough week. This means that she's been napping in the afternoons, which in turn means that she's been awake longer after being put to bed. Hannah has not been napping, which means she's asleep immediately after we leave the room at bedtime. She's a sound sleeper, which on many occasions is REALLY helpful.

The girls trade nights for picking the bedtime CD. We've found that playing music is an effective way of getting whichever girl is a non-sleeper to stay in bed -- she just listens to the music. Usually she falls asleep. Sometimes, like last night, she sings along to the music. Naomi was singing along to the soundtrack from Sound of Music. We didn't really hear her until the end of the song, "Climb every mountain." At the end it gets very dramatic and loud...and so did Naomi. She was screaming along to the music, and at first I thought something was horribly, horribly wrong. So did Michael, who immediately headed upstairs. Then I realized that she was just trying to get loud and dramatic like the woman singing.

Michael came back downstairs and said, "I asked her what was wrong and she said she was just singing along." I think she's going to need some voice lessons before she takes that starring role in a musical.

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