Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter Outfits

We went to the Easter Vigil as a family this year.  It was lovely.  Tess and Sim slept through most of it.  Felix slept through almost to the end, woke up very confused, then flirted with whomever he could for the rest of the Mass.  Hannah and Naomi stayed awake and witnessed two adults receive Baptism.  BUT we didn’t get a family photo.  We did get photos of all the kids, though.


Sim and Felix got matching outfits this Easter!  Sim was really excited.  Felix didn’t care too much either way.  I think they look adorable, but I could be slightly biased.


The girls didn’t get matching dresses, but they all got pink this year.  Amazon provided almost all the new outfits, including mine (which didn’t get photographed) and Michael’s tie (which also didn’t get photographed).  (When did Hannah get so TALL?)


We didn’t get a good picture of Tess’s dress, but we did get a sweet picture of Tess herself.  :) 

Michael also has pictures of Tess and Sim sleeping on the pew in front of us.  It was reserved, but only half of it was used, so when they conked out, Michael put them up there to sleep. 

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