Friday, September 11, 2009

Michael is awesome

I've mentioned this before, and I've posted other things that should probably give you the hint that he is...but I find I have to say it again. And I'm warning you, I'll probably need to say it again in the future. Because I keep finding proof, and it's my job to keep you posted.

No, this is not about Micheal's awesome review at work last week. I could have told his manager that was the case. I was, of course, glad that his excellence is being acknowledged by others, but that's not what I'm covering here today. Although it is fantastic.

It's also not about how, after some newly-licensed teenager hit the mirror on our car (parallel parked at the side of the road -- not in our neighborhood, where the roads are somewhat tight, but near karate, where there were still two open lanes to get through) and somehow managed to break the mirror's mechanism without breaking it off the car, Michael figured out how to put the mirror back in and get it to work. That was pretty darn awesome, too, because I don't think we'd have gotten away with a very small bill for that little repair at the shop!

THIS is about how Michael took the workings for the doorknob off the bathroom door (which hasn't actually worked since we moved in...and probably not for a long time before that) and without instructions, since it's an old door -- probably original, which means 1916 -- fixed the dang thing! The bathroom door used to only remain closed if it was latched from the inside...well, or if we moved the trash can in front of the door from the inside. Those solutions were great! If someone was in the bathroom. But now...we have a very curious, quick baby of almost a year. He loves the bathroom. He can pull up. We needed a solution for this, since I sometimes have to complete tasks that take more than the 3 seconds it takes him to get from wherever I set him down to the toilet. I mentioned this to Michael recently, and asked whether we could get someone to replace the door.

And Michael had pity on his wife, chasing an almost-one-year-old out of the bathroom several times a day, and fixed the doorknob without instructions. As he was fiddling on the inner workings of the knob, he said, "Yeah, a spring flew out when I opened it up. I think that was from the lock. I don't think I'm going to be able to get that working again. But I guess that's not too bad, since we don't have the key."

OUR BATHROOM DOOR STAYS SHUT NOW. EVEN WHEN NOBODY'S IN THERE. I don't have to worry about Sim playing in the toilet. Or with the plunger. Or with the training potty. Or with the trash.

Once again, Michael is my hero.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That is pretty heroic. Good job, Michael!