Thursday, September 17, 2009


Because she doesn't always scream. Sometimes she says hilarious things. Right now, here are some of them:

Washclosh or washcosh-- I can't describe how fantastically cute it is when she says this!

Sibby baby -- a nickname for Simeon

"You're joking! You're joking!" -- said whenever something isn't going her way. For example, if I say to her, "Naomi, if you don't stop climbing on the back of the couch, you will get a time out," this is her response. It's also her response to bedtime, nail clipping time, and any other thing that she doesn't like. She most often uses it at times when I'm not even thinking of joking.

CD on tape -- Naomi is used to CDs. I recently introduced her to the tape player we have and the children's stories on tape. This confuses her quite a bit, so she often asks if she can listen to the CD on tape. Technology!

Snow White or Snow Christmas -- What she calls White Christmas, which the girls have been watching in 30-minute increments. They're about 2/3 of the way through and are loving it, but Naomi can't seem to keep the title straight. It's darling. Of course, it's going to take another 2 weeks to watch to the end at the rate we're going (about 1/2 hour once a week), but they don't mind.

Kyouston -- What she still calls Houston.

"I'm tired! I'm too tired!" What she says whenever she doesn't want to do something you ask her to do.

"My mama's name is Mama and my dada's name is Dada." Someone was asking her about her family and their names. She'd already covered Hannah and Simeon and thought that the person should know about her parents, too.

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