Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Things to do on one’s due date instead of being in labor

Yesterday was it for me.  And let me just be clear:  these activities are not guaranteed to make you go into labor.  They didn’t put me into labor.  In no particular order:

*Take a shower

*Take care of your ducks

*Admire your ducks

*Homeschool (meanest mom! mid-June and we’re still doing school!)

*Take kids to PE class

*Pick kids up from PE class, including getting them through the shower

*Mow lawn

*No, really.

*Make meals for your family

*Field phone calls.  Nope, not in labor.  Even the solicitors call more.

*Work on more stuff for next year’s history course

*Think about how to revamp organization for next year’s school

*Take a nap


*Check email

*Laundry.  And, yes, more laundry.

*Wonder if the bunnies got fed today.  Give them a little extra food and get attacked by one of them as a thank-you.

*Read to kids.  Put them to bed.

Things that one’s husband may not want one to do on one’s due date:  go picking strawberries.  I suppose I see his point:  it’s an hour away and squatting to pick strawberries would be a GREAT way to encourage the start of labor.  Which is one reason I thought I’d like to go, of course.  Driving for an hour in labor, though, is pretty much a terrible idea, and Michael didn’t want to take the day off work to go strawberry picking.  Hm.

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