Tuesday, June 3, 2014


are fun!  No, really!  Okay, so I'm 38 weeks pregnant, and I haven't posted since last Thursday, which might lead some people to think that something's happening... And it is!  Just not with the baby being born.  Our computer crashes every few minutes, that's what's happening. And since that's how I usually post, and how I usually get pictures on the blog, I haven't done much blogging.  Michael has ordered the parts and is looking forward to the supplemental homeschool hands-on class about how to put together a new computer.  He's scheduled it for this weekend. 

But... nesting is hitting hard (it's possibly more than usual, since Hannah is much more alert this time around and keeps saying things like, "Any day now!" and, "Maybe today will be the day!"), so a lot of other things are getting done.  Lists are being made and crossed off.

--The ducks are outside full time.  They sleep in their very secure duck house at night.  Tonight, for the first time in the week that we've had them out there, they all went into their house of their own accord.  Before tonight, it was Duck Rodeo every night.  We may have to have a whole post for that on its own.

--The things that I ordered to plant are planted.  Yep.  I'm planting things at 38 weeks pregnant.  WHAT?  The basil, which I started myself, is not all planted yet, but it's on the list.  And bean seeds need to go in, too.

--The fruit trees are pruned, the lawn is mowed (again -- we're mowing every 4-5 days right now!), and the shrub hedge near the alley is next.  Doesn't everyone consider pruning a nesting thing?

--Granola is made. Asparagus is pickling.  More food things are on the list, though. 

--Changing table and high-powered blender are here.  Craigslist.  Oh yeah. 

--Hannah has summer clothes.  The other kids got a couple of things, too, but their wardrobes are mostly handed down from siblings and cousins.  The kids all have summer shoes.

--Hospital bag is as packed as it can be without the stuff we use day-to-day.

--Doula is lined up.  Ditto birth photographer. 

--More errands are arranged to be run.

--Most of next year's curricula are purchased. 

--Phone numbers for birth are updated and put where we'll be able to find them on short notice.

--I'm still roaming the house and finding things to get rid of.  Nothing quite so satisfying as that in nesting. 

--Grow lights setup from seed starting is now disassembled and put away. 

Still to come:  find the photo albums that have the other kids' first couple of years in them.  Michael thinks they might be in the attic.  There are tons more errands to do.

I have convinced myself, though, that I don't have to buy the stainless steel straws before the baby comes.  Dude.  Because we're doing lots more smoothies lately and... straw usage!  But there are too many options for stainless straws, and I can't seem to make up my mind.  Okay, weird hormones -- I almost never have trouble making up my mind.  Time to step AWAY from the straws. This baby will NOT mind being born into a home without stainless steel straws.  Right? 

So that's the latest with pregnancy here.  I'm sure you're hoping that I find a way to get photos posted again soon so I don't have to give you more nesting updates. 

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