Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekends with Chesterton – Lima Edition

When I read the quote I’m offering today, I thought of Lima, of course.  Lima looms large in Tess’s life – and consequently in ours.  I mentioned the other day that her body is slowly ripping away from her head, and this is a huge concern because I didn’t think it was sewable (her body fabric is VERY loved) and I don’t know if Tess will accept a new body for her doll.  However, Naomi solved this problem by seeing the problem and not worrying, as I did, that maybe it wasn’t solvable.  She just sewed it back on, regardless of the delicacy of the fabric.  It seems to be holding.  For now.  Thanks to St. Rose of Lima (the real one, not the doll) for her aid!


“It is much easier to care for an educational cause than to care for a doll…it is almost as difficult to look after a doll as to look after a child.” – G.K. Chesterton

For more quotes from Chesterton, head over to Weekends with Chesterton at Amongst Lovely Things


Unknown said...

That's hilarious- I've never seen it before! Do you know where it comes from, by any chance?

And your little sweetie is a doll herself. (wink)

Monica said...

I thought it was pretty funny, and it's part of a larger, also very funny segment of an essay called "The Toy Theater," in the book Tremendous Trifles.