Joining Jennifer today.
1. Pets teach us a lot of things. Some are good, some are really difficult for the parents – and possibly for the kids, too. Our new pet hamster bit Naomi the first time she tried to get her out of her cage. She’s small, so it didn’t break the skin, but Naomi had a total meltdown. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t fun. Since then relations have improved.
We’re still learning pet lessons, though. Like: Hannah is much more conscientious about washing hands after handling animals than Naomi is. This isn’t the greatest, because Naomi’s pet sits in her hands and sometimes poops there, while Hannah pretty much only comes into contact with the non-excreting parts of her pets. Hannah’s exact quote: “Naomi, I don’t want to get salmonella just because you don’t feel like washing your hands!” This didn’t appear to move Naomi much, though. We’re working on it.
2. Who could be responsible for this mess?
Let’s use our Sherlock skills, shall we? Okay, there’s a particular chair (belonging to Tess) pulled up to the cabinetry. Also, Lima is left behind. Also, the sugar is all over the cabinet and the chair and the floor. Also, sugar has been meticulously moved from the sugar bowl into a convenient container – not meant for sugar – that was also there. Yeah, so Michael must have done it.
3. Good thing she’s cute:
This outfit cracked me up. Under the fleece, there’s her lamb costume from Halloween, under which she sports a dress and leggings. No fear of Tess getting too cold.
4. We’re nearing 26 weeks of pregnancy and during my pregnancy with Hannah I felt like I still had an eternity to be pregnant at this point. In this pregnancy, I have little freak-out moments when I realize how SOON the baby is going to be born. This greatly aids my motivation to do things like clear out clutter. I’m hoping to have the garden all planted by then, too.
5. To that end, a look at how my starts are doing:
I started a whole bunch more stuff, and I’m hoping to plant some of these guys out over the weekend, and up-pot the ones that need more time inside.
6. Lenten reading so far:
The Shadow of His Wings, by Gereon Goldmann
This is a book about a Catholic man in Germany who was drafted into Hitler’s SS. It’s an amazing story – I read it a couple of years ago and am reading it again for our reading group.
The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence
It’s on prayer. I’ve only just started, but it looks to be a very good one.
Bringing Lent Home with St. Therese of Lisieux, by Donna-Marie Cooper-O’Boyle
Actually, we haven’t started this one yet, even though it’s supposed to be daily readings and reflections starting with Ash Wednesday. We’ll start it soon, I hope.
That’s what I’m working on for spiritual reading at the moment. Six weeks is a good long time, though, so I’ll probably end up adding some things in later on. I’m also planning on hunting down and pulling out the Lent and Easter children’s books we have stashed in various bookshelves around the house.
7. This is a pretty Tess-heavy update, but one thing that just makes me laugh is that she says “w” for most Vs. Ridiculously cute: “Mama, can I have a witamin C?” Another popular one: “Mama, can I wear my Walentine dress?”
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