Saturday, March 22, 2014

Weekends with Chesterton: Entertaining with weapons

Joining Weekends with Chesterton this morning again, but this time with Mary at Better than EdenSarah at Amongst Lovely Things is recovering from her very Lenten week…

When I went upstairs during quiet time yesterday to take my nap, I was greeted by a sword on my bed – unusual, but since I knew whose sword it was,


I didn’t think too much about it.  Then I pulled back the covers and discovered a musket.  Apparently my bed had become the arsenal.  When I came across this quote from Chesterton about a place he visited on his travels, I got a good laugh from it.

I drew a picture to please the children; and as it was a picture of two men hitting each other with swords, it pleased them very much.”

-- G.K. Chesterton, “Humanity: an Interlude,” from Tremendous Trifles


Mary @ Better Than Eden said...

As a mom to four boys: YES. :)

kelly said...

So funny, as a mom of one boy, YES

Lucy Casey said...

Loved this! As a mom to two boys I completely understand!

GretchenJoanna said...

I read that there is a sword in every picture that Chesterton drew, but I can't find reference to that anywhere at the moment. The symbolism of the sword, whose shape resembles a cross, was very significant to him, and I remember that cross symbol being explained in his The Everlasting Man - which is one reason I want to read it again. Thanks for this great quote!

Carol said...

Speaking as a mother of 4 boys, 3 in their teens - they don't seem to grow out of it either.

Amber said...

Oh my, yes!! And then there's the pictures of tanks and fighter planes and anti-aircraft guns... but I like the idea of entertaining a group of children by drawing such a picture. Catering to their interests and connecting with the children without patronizing them.