Friday, August 24, 2012

Where are we?

Sorry for the silence.  We’ve moved.  I’ll update everyone soon with pictures, but the fast computer isn’t set up yet…

Lots of stories to tell, of course.  Lots of things to unpack, too.  I’ll get more serious about the stories when I’ve gotten a bit further on the unpacking. 

For now, some numbers:

1st week in new house:

3 visits from the plumber to fix various leaks

1 visit from the appliance guy to fix fridge, which had stopped working

a whole bunch of trips back and forth to guest cottage, where the fridge didn’t quit working

2 visits from appliance guys to deliver and install washer and dryer, then to change the door side of the dryer

multiple pounds of cucumbers and green beans harvested – from the old house garden…

many friends who’ve helped in many ways (and many thanks to them!)

2 children who wish we hadn’t moved

the same 2 children who are convinced that we now live in the BEST HOUSE EVER

2 children whose mood swings don’t include wishing we hadn’t moved

2 bunnies who wish we hadn’t moved

1 bunny who is overly aggressive because we haven’t gotten her habitat back to its usual state

1 husband who does astonishing amounts of work to make the old house rentable (my hero!)

lots of hours of unpacking already accomplished…many more to go

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