1. We’ve seen the sun! I know everyone else is languishing in the heat and drought, but we’ve had an unusually wet and cool summer. This week we saw the sun a couple of times! Of course, we also saw heavy rain and 60 degree temperatures, but at least we weren’t at swimming lessons for that.
2. We got the first zucchini from our garden. The zucchini is HAPPY. Apparently, lower temps and filtered sunlight are what make it pleased to be alive, because it’s as happy as it can be.
3. We went to the recycled house stuff store this week. The kids loved it. I’m not kidding. They loved this place, from all the stuff they thought they’d like to the bathtubs and toilets that were dirty and worthy of upturned noses to the resident cats, they had a fantastic time checking it out. The most-repeated phrases were, “Mom, look at this!” and, “What is this?”
4. Hannah has come up with another explanation for the outfit on the woman in my exercise video: “I think she’s from a different culture. Maybe she’s Hawaiian.”
5. Hildy the bunny likes to play with Simeon’s toys, especially the little cars and trains. She picks them up in her mouth and tosses them. The one time this backfired was when there was a train track setup and she accidentally knocked down the bridge, scaring herself silly. But in general, she’s a big fan of Sim’s toys.
6. My nesting instinct is kicking in. This is part of why this week has been low on blog posts. 37 weeks is considered full term, and we’ll be there next Saturday. Not that I think the baby will come that early, based on his or her siblings’ births, but one never knows.
7. Speaking of kicking, the baby in utero is VERY active. As the doctor remarked, active babies don’t usually change that by being born. Luckily I’ll have some help chasing this one when it gets old enough to run.
8. The other day, Simeon held up his fingers about half an inch apart and said, “Quinque is this big.” Apparently we haven’t talked about the size of the baby recently. (If that’s how big the baby is, then I have been eating FAR too many doughnuts!) So, we then had a discussion about how big the baby is. Of course, that baby has to come out, so I find it’s best to not dwell on that too long.
9. Naomi has decided that she’s not going to learn to read. When asked if she wouldn’t enjoy it, she admitted that she might, but she also said, “But then you’ll make me read to Simeon.” The thing is, she’s not really wrong about that. BUT it’s not a great reason to choose illiteracy.
10. Simeon has embraced the word “hilarious.” He uses it appropriately, too. I must say, hearing him use it is…hilarious.
Loved this post. Sim rocks big time with his vocabulary. Hildy's more active than I thought bunnies were (apparently I don't know enough about them). Naomi is one "smart cookie" :-)
I seem to remember being told that one of Naomi's uncles informed his mother once upon a time that he didn't need to learn to read...
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