Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We’ve finally entered strawberry-picking season!  It’s quite late this year, because the spring was so cold and damp, but we’ve picked, as a family, 27 pounds since last Friday.  That’s really just 2 farms visited and 11 pounds picked Friday and 16 yesterday.  Michael came with us yesterday. 

Hannah and Naomi are great pickers.  Simeon can readily identify the ripe berries and eats them with great vigor.  Yesterday, though, the farm had a dirt track next to the field, so Sim spent most of his time there, playing in the dirt.  Of course, since he’d been slathered with sunscreen before the excursion, and then had eaten several strawberries before the dirt, he was quite a sight when we finished.

I’ve made 2 kinds of preserves and a strawberry jam, and I’m looking forward to a couple more kinds of jam, as well as strawberry syrup and butter.  Hannah wants to make freezer jam, too.  And, of course, we’ve been eating strawberries plain, in smoothies, and in strawberry shortcake.  Mmmmm, summer!

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