Sunday, July 3, 2011

More creations

A lot of what we’re creating these days involves the garden, but I haven’t taken the camera out there recently.  Yesterday would have been perfect, since the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  But I didn’t think of it.  Today it’s overcast again, so I think I’ll wait for another sunny day.  Hopefully it won’t be too long.

However, something I made recently was a book of felt saints for our goddaughter.  I got the idea from a website, as well as from our Catholic Craft Day group, which did a felt Last Supper during Lent.  The only problem with the felt Last Supper was that it didn’t stick very well, since we used glue.  The woman who made the website I found (which I can’t remember now…typical for my life these days!) used embroidery techniques to put together her felt pictures, so that’s what I did.  Then I made them all into a little book.  It’s very handmade (lots of fun mistakes!), but I thought it came out cute.


I asked my goddaughter’s mother what saints were their favorites.  Our Lady of Kibeho topped the list.


Saint Anne is supposed to be sitting on that bench.  It’s difficult to get felt pictures to look like they’re sitting.  Try it sometime.


I had a lot of fun with the iconography.  The lily is a bit funny-looking, but at least the saw is very clear.  I was doubly pleased that Naomi guessed who this was before I told her.  Hannah knew, too, of course, but I wasn’t sure if Naomi would recognize him.


St. Peter’s name is completely wonky.  But the keys, which Michael thought were hatchets on my first attempt at making them, came out looking mostly like keys, I thought.


St. Nicholas was the most fun, because he has all kinds of different iconography.  I had to be sure the little bags of money were in there, for the dowries, you know. 

I have a feeling more felt saints are in my future, because I had so much fun with this one. 


Babz said...

they are RIDICULOUSLY cute!

Babz said...

I mean that in a good way - I'm totally wowed by your creativity & the cuteness of this project