Sunday, June 5, 2011


Weather:  Gorgeous

Activities:  Mostly outdoors, especially gardening

Children:  Thrilled to be wearing short sleeves and NO TIGHTS (except Sim, who doesn’t ever wear tights), pleased at the prospect of selecting which hat to wear outside, rediscovering all the hideouts in our yard, rediscovering the sand box and its rules, such as NO THROWING SAND, SIM!, watering plants, running around, dirty and tired by the end of the day

Garden:  3 yards of compost spread about and making new garden beds out front (with especial thanks to my hero, Michael, who did the majority of the moving), many things planted, seeds sprouting, lettuce going crazy, blueberry bushes and strawberry plants blooming away with the promise of later production

Inside:  Not getting more messy, because we’re almost never there, but not really getting more clean, because we’re almost never there

Parents:  Pleased with all that’s getting done, enjoying the weather, worn out in a very good way by the end of the day

Recommendations:  Rhubarb Orange Jam from Canning for a New Generation:  SO GOOD!

1 comment:

Braden said...

Glad to hear about the great weather, just came across your blog - very nice layout!