Friday, May 13, 2011

Things I’ve learned recently

1.  It’s not so great to have one’s oven stop working in the middle of a party…particularly in the middle of baking pies for that party.  (I had already learned that it wasn’t great to have an oven not working.  The party part I probably could have conjectured, but now I know it first-hand.  No need to try it out yourselves, folks!  It’s not fun.)


2.  One can warm up the oven sufficiently with the broiler (which was happily still working so that the chicken for the party could get cooked) to finish baking the pies.


3.  I wouldn’t recommend this as a regular method for baking pies.


4.  It’s annoying to have one’s oven out of commission for over a week.  Especially when it’s one’s new oven.

Here are some examples:

“Mom, can we have biscuits for breakfast?” 

“Sure…Wait!  No, sorry, oatmeal again.” 


Heck, I’m out of tortillas and bread.  That’s okay, I’ll make cornbread for…Darn, no I won’t.  Well, we don’t really NEED carbs, do we? 


Roast chicken…requires the oven.  Okay, new menu plan for THAT night.


5.  Raspberry rhubarb pie is delicious, even when partially cooked in a normal way, taken out of the oven, and then cooked the rest of the way using the remaining heat from the broiler.  It’s probably EVEN BETTER when baked the proper way.  We’ll have to see.  Sometime soon.  I hope. 


6.  Bunnies don’t like their toenails clipped.  At all.


7.  I can clip bunny toenails, whether they like it or not. 


8.  Spring is good.  Okay, this isn’t really something I learned.  But I am appreciating it anew.  (Just ignore the weeds and enjoy the beautiful tulips and swiss chard.  That’s what we do.)


Sarah said...

#6 and #7 would be very fitting in my home today, only you'd have to substitute the words "baby" and "puppy" for "bunnies." I'm sorry to hear about the oven! Glad the pies still turned out well though.

Babz said...

Monica, why is your new oven broken? It may still be under warranty. GRrrrrr!