Most mornings since the institution of morning bike ride in our household have not been rainy. Some have been downright pretty. If I had been on my game, I would have brought the camera along on one of those rides. However, “on my game” is not an expression that can be used for me before…probably 9 a.m. (sometimes later), so I of course did not bring my camera on a sunny day. I DID bring it on a non-rainy morning, though, so that you could see some of the fun.
Some of you may be asking yourselves: “Isn’t Monica pregnant? Like, 27 weeks pregnant? Aren’t pregnant women supposed to avoid balance activities like biking?” Yes, yes, and YES! So here’s how we solve that dilemma:
It’s a recumbent tricycle. I got it on craigslist last summer, and have really, really enjoyed it. And you can see that we can attach the burly cart to the back for Sim, who rides a tricycle (but a kids’ one), so can’t keep up with the bigger bikes yet.
How thrilled is everyone to be going on a bike ride? Naomi has a bell toy that she keeps in the garage, and she rings it as I back out the burly/trike combination. This is something like the beeping that large trucks do when they’re backing up. Naomi says it tells people that I’m coming. On this particular ride, Sim brought along a maraca so he could join in the fun.
This one is the most enthusiastic biker every morning. As long as we remember to put her hair in a low ponytail so that it doesn’t get all in her face. Nothing so annoying as hair in your face as you bike!
Sim sometimes likes to get some running in beforehand, since it’s mostly fresh air for him, not so much exercise, since…
…he’s in the burly. This particular morning, he still has a maraca so that he can provide musical diversion as we go up the hills.
Here’s my view for most of the ride.
Although, of course, sometimes they’re much farther up the road than I am. I didn’t manage to get one of them standing on their pedals, but I’ll see what I can do sometime soon. But the pink and purple with streamers really cracks me up. Sim and I are much less pastel.
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