Monday, April 25, 2011

Hunting eggs

We hunted eggs at the local sister and brother-in-law’s house


(it ended up being dry enough to hunt outside, despite dire forecasts!),


and there were lots of hunters, but I only got pictures of a couple of our kids. 


I didn’t get any of Hannah, even.  It turns out that Easter egg hunting is a speed sport,


and if I had wanted pictures of more than 2 of our kids, I should have enlisted another photographer. 


And perhaps set my camera to “sports” mode. 


By the time I had snapped some of Sim and Naomi,


Hannah had finished her hunting.  Whoops! 


Happily, we also hunted at home (indoors, since it was raining then)


in the morning, and Michael got some shots of Hannah at that point. 


Simeon didn’t remember egg hunting from last year, so it was all new and exciting for him.  He did very well!  He didn’t demand that we hide the eggs repeatedly, which I seem to recall his sisters doing when they were his age.  I was not sorry to see the endless loop egg hiding and hunting skipped for this year.

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