Today was Hannah and Naomi’s concert with their choir. They’re in different age choirs, and the two choirs above their ages also took part in this concert. It was great – both girls did really well, and the music was well done and beautiful. I’m really constantly amazed at how much the directors can do with the girls, some as young as 4. Naomi’s group did several rounds, Hannah’s choir was singing in two parts and doing harmonies, and order was maintained. Since one of the choirs was made up of mostly 4- and 5-year-olds and the other was made up of mostly 6- and 7-year olds, this is not a mean feat.
It’s hilarious to watch the choirs – there are always interesting things going on. For example, one of the youngest girls (of course one in the front row) decided to hike up her skirt and adjust her tights as soon as she was on stage. That didn’t happen to be one of ours, but it could easily have been! Some of the girls can’t keep from dancing along to their music, some are looking in completely the opposite direction from the choir director, and there’s almost always someone waving to her parents.
Of course, our favorite ones to watch are ours.

For some reason, many of the pictures Michael took of Hannah didn’t come out. But this one did. Isn’t she cute?

Naomi, right in the middle of this shot, looking pleased as punch.

For some reason, she held her skirt during the whole first song.

We were sitting front and center, so both she and Hannah found us and spent the intervals smiling at us. Very endearing.

Naomi, singing Michael, Row the Boat Ashore. Note the rounded mouth for the “hallelujah” part.

Hannah, trying to catch a glimpse of Naomi while she sings. When did Hannah get so big? The dress she’s wearing is the one I made her for Christmas. It reached the floor back then. Today, it was a good inch and a half or two inches off the floor.
We loved seeing them sing. For some reason, I always get choked up by it. And then I always forget that I do, and then I’m always surprised by it at the next concert. Then I remember that it always happens. (I seem to have memory issues.) I think I get choked up because it’s amazing to see our daughters making such lovely music and enjoying it so much. The pregnancy hormones didn’t help much this concert, either, but I can’t blame it all on pregnancy, because I’ve been to many concerts not pregnant.
We got fantastic seats because Michael took the girls to their call time before the concert and then stayed on and claimed seats for us. This was a good setup, because Sim was still napping. It was also a good setup, although we didn’t realize it as we made the plan, because Naomi completely forgot, as she put on her footwear, that she was going to wear her church shoes. So I got a call from Michael, asking that I bring them. “What’s she wearing right now?” I asked. His answer? “Pink rubber boots.” Yes, those don’t really go that well with her elegant dress, do they? Oh, and she’s in the front row, of course. Happily, I got her shoes to her in good time, and when she spent the whole first song holding up her dress and showing her shoes, it wasn’t pink rubber boots that showed.