Well, I suppose that’s somewhat optimistic. They’re not running the house yet. And I guess I should also qualify that I don’t actually want the kids to run the house, because, even if they have a bunch of great ideas, they also have some pretty…um…interesting ideas, too.
However, Hannah loves to read. This is a good thing in many ways. Of course, it often results in certain of my reading materials, such as Family Fun magazine, disappearing before I have a chance to read them. Also, I mentioned before that Hannah took my copy of Large Family Logistics and I haven’t gotten it back. I did get a couple of chapters in before she took off with it, though, so we’ve instituted Afternoon Chore Time, and that has made a big difference in our household.
The other day, Hannah came out of quiet time with a great idea. “Mama! This family has the buddy system, where an older kid is paired up with a younger kid to help them do things! I think we should do that. Right now, I’ll be Sim’s buddy, and when the new baby comes, I’ll be his buddy [Hannah’s hoping for a boy]. Naomi has to be in training to be Sim’s buddy, though, because she has a lot to learn.”
Well, I didn’t see any need to argue with her proposition. Hannah decided to be the Buddy Trainer. I heard her explaining some of the finer points of Buddyism to Naomi, especially about keeping your buddy happy by letting him have a turn with the toys. It can’t hurt, I thought.
The next day, Naomi unearthed a toy that was highly coveted by the younger set, mainly because it hadn’t been seen in a while. Hannah and I were doing a math lesson. This could have been a recipe for disaster, but Naomi immediately handed over the toy to Sim, then said, in a stage whisper to Hannah, “See, Hannah? I’m keeping him happy by sharing!”
That's so sweet! Hurray for Hannah :-)
And Naomi, of course :-)
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