Friday, February 11, 2011

Things we’ve learned this week

1.  Unplanned trips to the ER aren’t fun.  Of course, are there any planned trips to the ER?  At any rate, Naomi’s fine, despite falling off the counter.

2.  Naomi didn’t take me seriously in the past when I told her not to get on the counter. 

3.  Now she does.

4.  Two trips to Children’s Hospital in one week is more than I prefer.

5.  The first one was for the same child, for a checkup (not for an emergency or injury), and her kidneys (which is what they were checking up) are fine.

6.  The kids can play hide and seek in their room for an hour. 

7.  Sometimes, an earlier bedtime for that night is just what someone needs.

8.  I’m starting to come out of morning sickness.  I think.

9.  The house can get pretty darn messy when I’m sick for 6 weeks.

10.  Simeon knows the term “fire hydrant.” 

11.  Sunny days in winter are fantastic.  (Well, we knew this already, but we relearned it.) 

12.  Naomi is currently my most dedicated garden helper.

13.  Naomi actually does like a whole bunch of vegetables.  She’s been holding out on me, but now I know.  And she does, too.

14.  Simeon can eat an astonishing amount of food.  He’s little.  Where does it go?  Of course, Hannah is like that, too.  Naomi has always subsisted on a small amount, with occasional enormous meals, but her sibs eat like horses.

15.  My regular clothes are almost too small for me. 

16.  Michael still really doesn’t like to drive to or from work:  too much traffic.  Thank God for the bus!

17.  Michael can make fires that send enormous cinders flying out onto the carpet. 

18.  Besides the cinder flying and carpet singeing, Michael really does love to make fires.  This one, too, is a reconfirmation of something we already knew, I guess.

19.  Hannah loves helping her siblings make crafts.

20.  Hannah learned to crochet.  Not from me, but from a dedicated friend of ours. 

21.  Hannah can translate the right-handed demo of crocheting to her very own left-handed use. 

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