Sunday, July 25, 2010

Okay, the floor

I know, I know, you’re all saying:  “Enough with the heartwarming stories and camping photos – SHOW US THE FLOOR!”

Or maybe not, but you’re going to see the floor.  In a looooong post, because I forgot to post the ones of the floor patched but not finished.  So here you go.

There were some sections of floor that had to be taken out and replaced.  Then there were some that weren’t there in the first place, like where the chimney had gone through.  Then there were some that I’m not sure what had happened to them, like under the oven, which should have been there, but wasn’t for whatever reason.  Some sort of other material had been put in under the old floors.


Here’s the hallway in front of the bathroom.  It had originally had a couple of walls that had been moved or taken out, so there were odd pieces of wood that ran diagonally to the rest of the floor.  That’s why this whole section had to be taken out.  The black floor is the old floor before the glue had been taken off.  Mmmm.


You can also see the cold air return, which isn’t covered at the moment.

 IMG_1034 Check out the header that had to be put in.  The kitchen is beyond it, and there used to be no stairs and a wall there.  That’s because this used to be a 2-bedroom house with an unused attic.

IMG_1036 This is under where the oven is.  Stuff’s been removed so a patch can be put in.  Why wasn’t there floor there?  I don’t know.


This is where the chimney used to be.

IMG_1040 This is the hall closet.  The back half apparently had NO SUBFLOOR.  Yeah, great idea.  Good thing my kids never took to hiding in there.

Okay, but here they are:



You can tell where the patches are, but I actually think that adds to the charm. 





The kitchen floor didn’t have patches and had more character than the other areas, because of heavy use, I’m sure.  They wanted to know if we wanted them to dig various pieces out and fill it with wood-colored putty so that you wouldn’t see the stains and things.  We declined.  Our house is nearly 100 years old, for crying out loud, and I don’t think that it should surprise anyone that the kitchen floors have been put to use.


I really couldn’t be happier with the floors.  We didn’t know if they would be remotely salvageable when we started the project, so this is fantastic!  Far better than we’d hoped!  Michael likes them, too.

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