Friday, July 9, 2010


This morning, Naomi was watching Mr. Nathan paint in our kitchen. Mr. Nathan has been here for the last week and a half while Mr. Dave was on vacation. Mr. Nathan has a baby about 5 weeks old, so he’s intrigued to see the upcoming phases that he’ll have in his own model in time. He’s great to the kids, explaining things to them, chatting with them, and generally being kind.

I had to go into the living room, but I could still hear snatches of conversation. Very interesting:

Mr. N: A wimple? Isn’t that a hat that nuns wear?

Naomi: No, that’s a veil.

Mr. N: Right, but I think the hat that the veil is attached to is called a wimple.

*At this point, I couldn’t hear any more for a couple of minutes. Then, this:

Mr. N: Oh, do you want to be like Sr. Maria? Or maybe like the Reverend Mother?

Naomi: I want to be the Reverend Mother.

Mr. N: Wow, that’s a job with a lot of responsibility.

*Again, couldn’t hear for a minute or two.

Mr. N: Well, I cleaned the wall because if I just paint over the wall and there’s dust on it, the paint will stick to the dust, but the dust might come off the wall, and then the paint would come off, too.

I’m going to venture a guess that Nathan doesn’t have too many discussions about wimples and reverend mothers in his usual work.

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