Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trauma for Mama

This morning brought a traumatic moment for this Mama of a little boy baby: first haircut. I have been really putting this off, because once little boys have their first haircut, they don’t look like babies so much any more…they look like little boys. While I know that Sim is rapidly moving from baby to little boy, I haven’t been ready for it. I still don’t think I’m ready for it, but his hair was getting in his eyes something fierce, so he was ready for it.

Here’s before:


Yeah, okay, so he looks a bit like a baby hippy. I was okay with it! Look at those cute little curls coming around his ears! But the big problem, and the main reason for the haircut, was those long bangs in the front. I was constantly sweeping them to the side, because he’s a boy, so I couldn’t put in a barrette.

My original plan was to just trim up the bangs a bit so they wouldn’t get in his eyes. But then I looked at him and thought I should clean up around his ears a bit. And then I realized that if I left him like that, he’d have a mullet, and I’m not about to do that to my baby boy. So I cut it all. But I tried to avoid the bowl cut look.

Here’s after:



I managed to avoid the bowl cut look, and his bangs don’t have that “chopped straight across” look that is pretty cute on Hannah, but not really the best for a baby boy. Well, that's not strictly true -- I've seen baby boys with that look, and it can be quite cute, but I was trying to go for a look that didn't look like he'd had his hair cut much at all anyway.




His sideburns aren’t anything like even, but this is his first haircut, so I didn’t try to be too particular. He wouldn’t have let me, anyway. He was DONE with it after only a few snips. Daddy’s coffee is the only distraction that kept him from having one side long and one side short in the back.


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