Sunday, December 6, 2009

She likes chocolate

and play imitates life. 

Yesterday, as we were moving furniture, Naomi discovered the brown things we got at the hardware store to put under the legs of the couch and chair in order to keep them from sliding around and also to keep them from scratching the floor.  She collected them all as we were moving the furniture.  She placed them carefully somewhere, and then got distracted by a long-lost toy found under the couch. 

“Where are the chocolate bars?” she wailed, when she couldn’t remember where she’d put them.

We were mystified, since we hadn’t given her any chocolate bars.  She kept insisting on the chocolate bars, though, and then found them.  When she showed us that she’d found them, we realized that they do, indeed, look a bit like squares of chocolate. 

Then she put them carefully somewhere else, and when we’d gotten the furniture re-rearranged, we couldn’t find them, and she’d forgotten where they were again.  So the furniture stayed on top of the bits of cardboard we’d used while moving it. 

Last night as I was cleaning up a bit in the living room, I discovered the chocolate bars in between two pillows on the couch.  We are heartlessly reclaiming them, because we need them to put under the chair and couch.

But today is St. Nicholas’ Day, anyway, so Naomi got some chocolate in her shoe.  She hasn’t asked for the fake chocolate at all today, because, let’s face it:  real chocolate trumps fake chocolate every time. 

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