Hannah and Naomi hate having their toenails clipped – Naomi calls them feeternails most of the time. I think they’re ticklish and it’s hard to avoid any tickling when you’re clipping nails. In any case, they dislike it intensely, and I’ve had to tell them that their toenails have to be clipped or they’ll get so long they’ll wear holes in their socks and have trouble wearing their shoes comfortably.
Today as I was putting Sim down for his nap, I heard some weeping from Naomi’s room, where she was in Quiet Time. Weeping can mean any number of things, so I thanked God that Sim was pretty much asleep and that Naomi wasn’t crying loudly enough to wake him up, and went to see what was happening.
“My big toenail [she used the right term this time] made a hole in my sock!” she wailed when I asked what the matter was.
I tried to explain that these were just old socks, that it wasn’t her toenail – I had only clipped them earlier in the week.
“But there’s a hole!”
Apparently, stating that toenails could make holes in socks was translated in Naomi’s mind to mean that toenails are the only things that make holes in socks. Who knows what kids’ minds will do with things?
I tried to point out that the hole is underneath, where she walks on the toe, not on top where the nail is. That had no effect. Remember, this is the little girl who believes that other children can fly off the carousel. Who even knows what damage long feeternails can do?
I finally got her calmed down and reminded that she has more socks and that nobody is upset with her for the hole in her sock. For good measure, I threw in that she should ask Dada (when he gets home) whether he ever gets holes in his socks. Just between us, the answer is yes. Although it’s not usually from his feeternails.
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