Yesterday evening I discovered that our washer wasn't draining properly. This is not good news, but I thought I knew what the problem was. It happened about five years ago, and the guy who came opened up the washer, unhooked the pump, and found a little bread clip that had gotten into it somehow. After removal, the washer worked perfectly. Of course, it was 5 minutes to do the work, and it cost $90. Fun. And of course, I couldn't remember -- after five years -- how he had done it.
Well, Friday night isn't the best time for appliance repair, so we waited until this morning to try to call anyone. The first company called back and said he didn't have weekend repair technicians. Now that we do cloth diapers, I wasn't looking forward to either waiting until Monday to do wash or going to the laundromat. I was about to start calling around for recommendations when...
Michael came up from the basement (where the washer is) with a rusty safety pin. HE FIXED IT!!! It's draining properly again, put back together again, and the diapers are clean.
Did he fix it with a butter knife?
Hey, good question. I don't know, because I didn't witness it. He did catch some water in a paint roller pan, but I'm not sure a butter knife was involved. If so, we might have the start of an argument for the butter knife being the absolutely most useful home maintenance instrument ever!
Apparently Dana Carvey's brother, upon whom he based the character of Garth, once fixed the family dryer with a butter knife. His declaration of the fact was, "I fixed the dryer with a butter knife. It'll never break again."
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