Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Olympic Sports Needed

I will never be the highest jumper or the fastest skier, but if they had some more pertinent sports, I'm sure that I could win without trouble. For instance, fastest dishwasher loader/unloader would definitely go to me. Sim has developed a fond love of dishwashers, and he recognizes the dishwasher sounds. They call to him, and he comes at a great rate with a big smile on his face to help unload -- even if I'm trying to load -- or to climb in, if the bottom tray is not pulled out. I offer as proof the above picture from our visit to Michael's parents' house.
I've developed strategies for getting the dishwasher loaded and unloaded as quickly and quietly as possible. It may seem ridiculous to be loading and unloading at the speed of light, but that's my dedication to the sport.

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