Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hello, Dolly! again

One of the things in the girls' Easter baskets was the soundtrack of Hello, Dolly! This is a gift for them to share. And it turns out that it's a gift for me, too. They both sat on the couch and listened to it straight through on Monday. It's Naomi's Quiet Time companion this week, which has meant that the popping out of Quiet Time has decreased about 100%. In fact, yesterday I had to go in and get her out against her will because I wanted to take the kids outside.

Also, it's absolutely priceless to hear your two daughters singing the It takes a woman song with Walter Matthau. And it's REALLY funny to hear your 3-year-old singing the Louie Armstrong parts right along with Louie. Hannah still contends that he needs to clear his throat before singing. She recognized his voice on the soundtrack, because we also have the soundtrack for The Five Pennies, and he's a prominent singer in that show, much to Hannah's dismay. Personally, I'm a big fan, but she doesn't approve.

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