Sunday, April 5, 2009

Compost Party 2009

Friday we got a delivery of 6 cubic yards of organic composted dairy manure and yard waste. On purpose. It made quite a pile, and is a lovely black color. I don't think our garden is going to know what hit it.

Saturday, we were helped by family and friends (to whom we are forever indebted) to spread said compost around various areas of our yard. We have big plans for planting this spring, and we're off to a great start with all this compost. We made several new beds, enlarged some old ones, and beat the grass back off of some trees.

Earlier in the week it was cold and rainy, rainy, rainy. Friday morning we awoke to a very light dusting of snow. I was not really excited about the prospect of spreading compost in the cold and rain, but praise God who had mercy on us and provided a GORGEOUS day yesterday for yard work!

We got off to a good start because we were pleased with the lovely weather, but ran into a couple of snags right away. First of all, Hannah equates sun with warmth, and it wasn't that warm early yesterday morning. So for the first hour or so, she asked every 5 minutes whether she could take off her jacket. Then, someone told Naomi that compost comes from cow poop. This, in itself, did not faze Naomi. However, when she got some on her PANTS, she became very upset and demanded to change. Of course, we were looking at several hours spent outside dealing with compost -- we could quickly work through her entire wardrobe. I told her that she could change AFTER the compost party...after a few minutes of testing to see if I was serious about waiting, she settled back down.

Naomi, upon exiting the house yesterday: Outside is stinky.
Naomi, upon being asked how she liked the compost party: Compost is stinky.

Hannah, at bedtime: I wish every day was compost party day.

We actually got the compost all spread by about 12:30, then had a leisurely lunch, then had some naps and enjoyed the outdoors a bit more. Now we're itching to get planting in all the beds. I, of course, have been planning them out in my mind for a long I just have to make sure Michael's on board!

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